Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fox Putin the FOX in Today's Global Financial Hen House!

 FoxPutin is the Fox  in Today's Global Financial Hen House

On July 19th i posted a Survive in Today's World Question?
   If Rupert Murdoch is today’s Fox in Global Media?

Who is today’s Fox in Global Finance?
 Clue - He leads 5 nations to throw BRICS at 5 nations of BUFIGs

The Answer Offered you "survivors"
Putin the Fox of the 5 BRICS
Stealing from the Hens of the 5 BUFIGs

Now WHO are the 5 BRICS and 5 BUFIG Nations?
The BRICS are Brazil + Russia + India + China + South Africa

The BUFIGs are Britain + USA + France + Italy + Germany 
seen here at a G7 meeting in 2014

What do we KNOW ABOUT the BRICS and BUFIG Nations?
Together these 10 countries TOTALLY MANIPULATE YOUR LIFE!

With 3.5 billion of the world’s 7+ billion people (50%) 
Plus 43.5 Trillion US$ of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 
That’s 60% of the world’s 250+ countries' GDP 

Thus of all the market value stuff produced by 7+ billion people 
You and your world neighbour "survivors"
10 Countries out of the world’s 250+ countries significantly control your life
That’s just in their number of people + money-power

Never mind their hegemony (read domination) with their politics,
military muscle, legal and other financial controls
Such as their UN, NATO, IMF, world-courts, trade treaties, 
gold, silver and currency price-fixing + their banks and credit organizations

Here's what 43.5 Trillion US$ looks like $43,500,000,000,000
Which "your servants" the governments, banks 
and financial organizations CONTROL and SPEND!

Notice "the servants" have become the MASTERS - BIG TIME! 
Who let them? - YOU!

What are the BRICS Doing to Further Affect Your Life?
The BRICS are funding a BRICS Bank @ $100Bn (US$ 100,000,000,000) +
Another $100Bn in their BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (a crisis lending fund) +
a BRICS Stock Alliance +  a BRICS Energy Alliance +
 a BRICS Fuel Reserve Bank + a BRICS Energy Policy Institute
All are in various stages of dreams and development
The BRICS propose to have ‘equality + trust’ among its members 

Possible Future BRICS Members 
Argentina, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua or Venezuela 
Plus any of the other 240+ or so Prospective BRICS Customer Countries 
Who can now 'go shop for their BEST bailout deal' between the BRICS and BUFIGs

The BRICS HQ is in Shanghai China
 Its Presidency will rotate annually 
India nominates the 1st President
These are assisted by 4 VPs 

These 5 report to a Board of Directors 
With Brazil the 1st chairperson

A Board of Governors manages overall policy 
With Russia (read Putin) the 1st chairperson

What is Putin the #Fox of the BRICS Doing 
to Further Control Your Life?
Putin as Russia’s President and the #FoxofGlobalFinance 
has been very busy stealing 'BUFIG hens and eggs'

For 6 years Putin’s been quietly organizing his BRICS #FoxParty for the BUFIGs

 Anyone notice the BRICS before Tuesday July 15, 2014? 
Many of my God’s Survivor Buddies and i did not! 
We did notice #Putin sitting in the FIFA VIP seats that day
with #Brazil President, Ms. Dilma Rousseff 
at the #FIFA 2014 World Cup Game

 Fox Putin in the best VIP seats with FIFA President Sepp Blatter
and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel
watching Germany win the FIFA World Cup 2014
Days BEFORE attending the FIFA German World Cup Victory Game 

#Putin was ‘visiting’ #Cuba 

On July 12th #FoxPutin forgave #Cuba $29Bn of Cuba’s $32Bn Russian Debt
 Nice move Czar Putin - Who in Russia pays? (the tax payers)

 The $3,000,000,000 Cuban debt left will be put into 
‘joint infrastructure projects’ (read military stuff)

When I lived in our 7th floor beach-side condo in Naples, Florida
 At night we sometimes saw a lot of lights on the horizon 
Interested guests would ask What are those lights? We jokingly used to say
It’s the Cuban Navy practicing stealth landings onto U.S. beaches

 Perhaps now with #FoxPutin back in Cuba
 Gulf-front condos may not be such a good idea my #Naples friends?
For your interest Cuba is only 90 miles directly south of Florida

 Don’t know how long it takes a Cuban Cigarette Boat 
(read Russian military supplied) to do 90 miles?
Perhaps one of you boat-buffs can tell us

#FoxPutin also went to #Nicaragua 
That’s in Central America - Another part of the USA’s backyard
To meet President Ortega at Managua airport

They discussed Agriculture,
 GLONASS land stations in Nicaragua and pharmacology (drugs)
Don’t know if that was legal or illegal drugs they discussed? 

Do You Know Who Russia's GLONASS Is? 
GLONASS is Russian for 'Global Navigation Satellite System'
It is a space-based satellite navigation system
run by the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces (read military)

Sort of a Reagan Star Wars Shield which provides a better alternative  
to the USA's Global Positioning System (GPS)
GPS is run by the U.S. Department of National Defence (read military) 

GLONASS is the only global navigation system presently operating 
as an alternative to the U.S. GPS system - It covers the entire globe 
That covers your cell phone, tablet, car computer and backyard barbecue 
It is more accurate than the 24 satellite GPS System

Do You Know Why and When #Russia GLONASS Began?
#GLONASS began in the then Soviet Union in 1976
 In October 1982 more satellites were added to the system and completed in 1995 

In 2001 Russia’s new President #VladimirPutin 
made restoring the system a top government priority with funding increased 
#GLONASS is the most expensive program of the Russian Federal Space Agency

So #FoxPutin is really putting it to the #USA 
Remember the #Reagan #StarWars Outer Space Shield?

Well folks #FoxPutin is now putting the Ground Stations in America’s backyard
to make Reagan's Star Wars Outer Space Shield a reality
Controlled by? You guessed it Fox Putin

Fox Putin now will have additional Ground Stations in Cuba and Nicaragua
He already has Ground Stations in Brazil, Antarctica, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia
He’s hoping to convince China, India, Indonesia, Spain + South Africa to also put them in
 and have them drop GPS for GLONASS

China has also been developing its own GPS system 
Called the #BEIDOU System

China and Russia held discussion on GLONASS in 2014 with Singapore and Thailand 

The European Union has also begun to deploy a system called #GALILEO 
Both the Chinese and EU systems may be fully deployed globally in the next few years

Cell phone users not only the USA’s #NSA is hearing your calls
 But soon #Russia, #China and the #EU National Snoop Agencies (NSAs)
Will be monitoring + recording for ‘quality control’ all your mobile talks
#FoxPutin also flew to #Argentina 
For a 'pow wow' with its President, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner
The two signed a ‘peaceful nuclear power deal’
Russia ‘helps’ with design, operation and decommissioning of old nuclear power plants
 (Read more Russians and Russian-controlled nuclear power plants in Argentina and the Americas)

 The Russian state owned (read Putin controlled) atomic energy company ROSATOM
Will help in all nuclear areas + provide ‘comfortable’ financing

#ROSATOM is the Russian Federation National Nuclear Corporation
 It brings together over 350 nuclear companies + 
institutions operating in the civilian and defense sectors

With almost 70 years expertise in the nuclear field
#ROSATOM claims to be a global leader in nuclear technology and competency
It offers cutting-edge nuclear industry solutions
Working around the globe to provide full nuclear services
 These range from uranium enrichment to nuclear waste treatment
And also covers nuclear medicine and composite materials 

ROSATOM is No. 1 globally in number of nuclear reactors under construction 
with 9 being built in Russia + 19 in foreign countries 
No. 2 globally in uranium reserves No. 3 globally in annual uranium extraction 
No. 4 globally and No. 1 in Russia in nuclear power generation 

ROSATOM generates 18% of total power in Russia + 40% in European Russia 
#ROSATOM controls 40% of the global uranium enrichment market + 
17% of the global nuclear fuel market It has the world's only nuclear icebreaker fleet 

Look out #StephenHarper 
Red-Alert our few Canadian Coast Guard ships to not get in Fox Putin's way 

ROSATOM says it adheres to the Uniform National Policy + 
Uses a 'Best Management Practice' in use of nuclear power 
in the nuclear weapons and safety industries 

ROSATOM meets all of Russia's international commitments 
for peaceful uses of nuclear energy

Don’t cry for me Argentina - The truth is I never left you
(read the Russians are Coming to Argentina and the Americas)

Lastly on his whirlwind 6 day visits Fox Putin visited Brazil
Fox Putin pulled even more ‘hens + eggs out of the BUFIG’s hen house’ in Brazil

Fox Putin and President Dilma signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Between Russia’s #Rosatom and Brazil’s #CamargoCorrea
(read the new nuclear toymakers of Russia and Brazil)
 for 1 new nuclear power plant + 1 new spent fuel storage plant in Brazil
Brazil's new GLONASS  satellite ground station built 2014
In Summary on #FoxPutin 
It appears he qualifies as a shrewd global financial Fox

He’s doing some foxy BUFIG Hen House stealing of BUFIG financial controls and power
He and the BRICS are definitely in America’s Backyard and Playing Fox Games
What Can You and I Do With All This Critical Life-Controlling BRICS and BUFIG Stuff
To Survive with Power - God’s Way! - Every Day?

You Have 2 Basic Choices 
1 Do nothing and keep struggling your way 
in your life in blissful ignorance or

2 #AskDad - Father God - To help us See Today's World His Way +
Survive the BRICS + BUFIG Control Crisis with God’s Power - God’s Way!

The GOOD NEWS for you is that 
you can START TODAY! 
IF you choose!

To #AskDad - Father God - to Protect you + 
Help you Pray + Practice + Perform your LIFE - God’s Way!
No matter where your level of faith or experience with God is!

With your permission you can let God start to change
 Your mindset + attitude + lifestyle + 
basic freedom levels in living your life truly FREE

To BE FREE of the world’s trivial pursuits 
and crisis survival issues!
To start to enjoy #LIFE - God’s Way - Today + Everyday! 

God has been doing it for his believers for thousands of years
And his believing + obeying #Ourplace Survivor Children for decades
It is Guaranteed by God (read #GbG)

#Putin his BRICS + their competitor BUFIGs 
Should definitely be Prayerfully Watched  + Prayed Over

This will allow all of us interested 
to also become God's #Ourplace Survivor Children
To #SurviveWithPower - God's Way all crisis 

And to help the rest of the world’s 7+ billion people
When they also decide enough is enough is enough of lying + losing!
It is time to #SurviveWithPower - God's Way !

Here are a few other very Simple + Practical Things 
You can START to DO TODAY! 

Tell your family and friends
What you are doing daily in faith
to also become an #Ourplace God’s Survivor Child

1. Use your Voice + Social Media 
Share your personal experiences in Crisis Survival God's Way
 Let your tweets, posts and personal talks tell of what God is doing in your life to survive well

You have many ways to tell others 
so choose your time + talent + treasure well to bless others 
Use your personal visits, face to face talks, telephone, email, blogging, 
Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other Social Media well

2. Get God's Opinion First on Everything!
In the end of every Crisis and Life Issue 
only God’s Opinion counts! 

3. Thank God when he pulls you out of another Crisis Mudpile!
#Celebrate your victories with family and friends 
God loves a good party

We at Ourplace pray daily for 3 billion + 1 souls
To Survive + Be Empowered  by God + Be in Communication with God

God told hendrickus in 1998 while living outside New York City 
He’s bringing 3,000,000,000 + 1 of his believing + obeying people 
into His Family of God Survivors!

You and yours are included! 
You have a reserved prayed + paid for ticket -  If you claim it in faith from God!
God’s Wellness and Wealth for your spirit, soul and body for you and yours
your servant, hendrickus of Ourplace

(insert OP 7 bar God's Hand Icon URLs)