Fox Putin and Some of His 3G
Brazilian Buddies of the BRICS
Are Coming to #Canada - To Steal
Canada’s $$$ Doughnuts - Timmies
How - You Ask?
Can Fox Putin Steal
from Canada?
The 3 Brazilian Banditos of 3G
Capital, a Private Equity Firm (read economic robbers)
are using their Brazil BRICS financial base to
buy with hedge fund paper -
Canada’s beloved Tim Hortons
Here’s How It May
Work Out
Unless we - O Canada and Timmies Fans
Stand on Guard for Canada - Now!
Stand on Guard for Canada - Now!
Carlos da
Veiga Sicupira, Jorge Paulo Lemann and Marcel Herrmann Telles
They're worth some $45,000,000,000 according to the Michael Bloomberg news hounds
Uno - Lemann supposedly is Brazil’s richest man at $ 24+ billion
They have
already #SAVED for their Private Equity Firm (read economically robbed)
Anheuser-Busch (the beer people of St Louis)
in 2008

Burger King (the ‘have it your way’ burger people of sunny Miami) in 2010

Burger King (the ‘have it your way’ burger people of sunny Miami) in 2010
merging the struggling Burger King with Tim Hortons
we will give you our rubbish shares for your doughnut shares)
Plus - We will SAVE taxes by moving our 3G Capital headquarters
to Canada
we steal jobs and tax dollars from the United States of America)
Plus - We will offer all you Timmies customers and fans - Global
Scale Economics
your coffee and doughnut prices will pay for the global mistakes of others)
Plus - We’re expert relentless cost-cutters
goodbye Canadian jobs, creativity and initiative)
or the Toronto Star or
little old me, Prophet hendrickus?
Tweet exBurger King, Bush or Heinz people
as to the horrors of cost cutting
they went through!
David Welch of Bloomberg says
the 3G Brazilian Banditos micro-manage costs everywhere
the 3G Brazilian Banditos micro-manage costs everywhere
examples of strategic cost cutting moves by the 3G Banditos
Heinz - 3G limited office supplies per employee to $15 per month +
Eliminate mini-refrigerators to save electricity
Eliminate mini-refrigerators to save electricity
Burger King - 3G told execs to use Skype instead of long distance telephone
Email their documents and No more FedEx
Email their documents and No more FedEx
Anheuser Bush - the ultimate beer-executive
insult no more free beer!
Now, this author has been a Fortune 500
executive himself in his younger days
trimming of corporate fat is good!
However, strategic micro-management destroys
employee morale + performance!
If Ken
Harris of Chicago’s Cadent Consulting Group
is any kind of prophet
Look out Tim Hortons
is any kind of prophet
Look out Tim Hortons
Customers, Fans, Staff, Suppliers and Government
Tax Collectors!
said, “These guys
(read the 3G Banditos + their
will change consumer goods and food service forever
Other CEOs know it!
They are going to go in and streamline everything as fast as possible
When Tim Hortons management meet their new Brazilian overlords at 3G
will change consumer goods and food service forever
Other CEOs know it!
They are going to go in and streamline everything as fast as possible
When Tim Hortons management meet their new Brazilian overlords at 3G
They will
have no idea what hit them"
Timmies Fan in Toronto who visits her Timmies everyday,
Miriam, "a donut expert" has the right gut feeling
Miriam, "a donut expert" has the right gut feeling
gut-feeling is sometimes called the Voice of God)
do not like it! I guess it’s for tax
purposes (amen + a lot more greed to come)
do not always understand the economic side of it” she said,
it (Tim Hortons) would become like Starbucks I think.
I will probably go more often to Second Cup”
So ... O Canada and Timmies Fans Beware - Attention!
Vote Now with your money!
Before It Is Too Late!
So ... O Canada and Timmies Fans Beware - Attention!
Vote Now with your money!
Before It Is Too Late!
No More Foreign
Banditos in Canada!
We have enough foreign bandits already
Here’s How You Vote - If You Want Your Timmies
We have enough foreign bandits already
Here’s How You Vote - If You Want Your Timmies
Canada’s Way and God’s Way!
1 Let’s have a TALK-WAVE from St. John’s to
Victoria + Nunavut to New Brunswick
Tell your favourite
Timmies folks at their 3500 Canadian outlets
That if they give away our O Canada
Timmies to the 3G Brazilian Banditos
We will all go to Second
Cup until they get it back!
Vote with your money! Bandits understand that kind of vote
Vote with your money! Bandits understand that kind of vote
2 If Tim Hortons Management, including its new CEO Marc Caira,
continue to talk to the 3G
Capital Banditos +
their activist hedge fund Buddies
their activist hedge fund Buddies
We will ask our "Conserve It" Prime Minister Harper
To nationalize Timmies for one year!
To nationalize Timmies for one year!
And if he will not act
Since Toronto’s Ford-brothers may be out of a job in October
Since Toronto’s Ford-brothers may be out of a job in October
We will ask the FordBros
to use their family wealth +
A few of their Billionaire Buddies Moolah
A few of their Billionaire Buddies Moolah
To buy Timmies and Keep it
Canadian for Canadians by Canadians!
3 When all that fails - Perhaps you should do this first and keep it up
Ask the best
franchiser of all - Father God
To keep Timmies and
our dough (read money) in his blessed O Canada
Choice is Yours!
Talk +
Pray + Pay Now
or Pay
the 3G Brazilian Banditos
Mucho Dinheiros - Later!
O Canada
We Stand On Guard for Thee
you standing with us in the we?)