Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Youth today are pressured 
on all sides to conform! 

Yet each of us young people long to BE FREE 
to BE the REAL ME 
To live my Dream Life and Share my Resources! 

View this 1 minute #Ourplace video! 
Youth Are U TRULY FREE? 

It gets U started to BE FREE TODAY!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Youth Live Ur Dream Life Today!

#YouthOfOurplace Do U desire to live Ur Dream Life today? 

                                           To overcome the debt and destruction of Ur hopes                                         for a Happy + Healthy + Wealthy life for U + Urs!

          Than read #hendrickus blog Youth Had Enough? Try God's Way!…ugh-try-gods-way/

   On the #Ourplace Mobile User Friendly Site  

 It will revolutionize Ur life!
 #GbG = Guaranteed by God! 

Friday, November 3, 2017


YOUTH are U puzzled by Ur MORALS? 

morality people puzzle.jpg
What is wrong and what is right? 
Particularly when U see Ur leaders like Trump or Trudeau "trick and treat" us in believing they know what is best for U and me! 

And get it from the author's mouth? 

Ask God every time U are confronted with a CHOICE
God which next step is RIGHT and HELLPPP me take it NOW! 

Thank U God. It's #GbG = Guaranteed by God. Try it today!

Thursday, October 19, 2017


   YOUTH What DO U HOPE For?
             YOUTH Ur HOPES can be realized                                                                                                                                                        
                 To get them ALL watch this short Ourplace Video                                                                                           Take the STEPS TODAY to BUILD + LIVE Ur HOPES DREAM LIST                                                                                                           It's #GbG = Guaranteed by God!


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Money or Morals

                     Take Ur MONEY vs MORALS TEST!
                    Watch this short new #Ourplace Video
                 Learn where Ur MORAL COMPASS IS?
      What U really BELIEVE is important in Ur LIFE?
                           MONEY or MORALS!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Youth WHO DO U Believe In?

Youth of #Canada + #Mexico + #USA WHO U Believe In 
determines Ur fulfilment of Ur #DREAM + #DESTINY

Sooo If U are interested
watch this short video
and plan Ur dream + destiny
to bless U + Urs - Today and Everyday!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Are U WORTHY in the eyes of #God, all #humans and other creatures?

Find out NOW! See short video ...

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Taxpayers Beware of Ur Governments

#Taxpayers in the #Americas and #Caribbean just as U are bearing the brunt of four hurricanes in recent weeks - U will bear the #financial bill for the cleanup in #Ur #taxes! 

Beware of #Government #Promises! 

Most governments are already morally + financially #bankrupt! Thus they're borrowing the #money they  promise U to #HELLPPP U 

Look at the #Trump #Irma $15 Billion funds for U first line sufferers - Tied nicely to his bill to extend funding for the Federal #USA Government for the next three months 

#Beware - #AskGod to #HELLPPP U + Urs #SurviveWithPower his #hurricanes + Ur government's empty promises - Funded with Ur tax money + borrowed funds! 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Adopt a Homeless Person in Canada

Adopt a Homeless Person in Canada!

Yet winter is on its way. Now may be the time to start Ur own #AdoptAHomelessOne Program! 
How and Why do U Ask - Can I help a homeless one?

Let's talk the Why first
Because #GodSays to U + Urs, "Love Ur neighbour as Ur #selfie, and #homeless people
in Ur #neighbourhood are Ur neighbours - Plus, I'll bless U if U #HELLPPP them!"

YES! - #GodSays, the homeless ones in Ur neighbourhood are also my children,
and I count on U to be my means of helping them - If ... they want my help via U.

Plus, I'll continue to bless U + Urs with my food + clothing + shelter + all Ur other needs!

Now let's talk the How
The HOW depends upon several things in Ur own life and circumstances, namely:
1. How old U are, because interesting enough, young kids have more empathy
    towards the truly homeless, than older folks! Yet, #kids God also says
    " Children obey Ur parents, that it may go well with U, and U'll live a long time."
    Thus, before U do anything to help the homeless ones in Ur neighbourhood,
    U need to discuss it with Ur #parents, and get their blessing and help!

2. Where U live, because helping the homeless ones is different for U,
    if U live in a major Canadian city, from a smaller city or rural farm area,
    or even on or near an #Aboriginal #Reservation.

   In the major Canadian cities, such as #Montreal, #Toronto, or #Vancouver,
   at times the homeless ones U encounter, may be at their new edge of  dealing
   with a major addiction, or due to divorce, or separationno longer able to afford
   a decent roof over their heads. Especially, if the kids are living with their #Mom.
   While these new conditions in their lives, can also apply in smaller communities,
   rural farm areas, or even on aboriginal reservationsa closer network of family,
   friends, and/or community support resources may be more readily available there.

3. What resources U + Urs have available to share with the homeless ones 
    in Ur neighbourhood?

    Do U have extra food, clothing (like socks, sweaters, boots, coats etc.),
    or even extra shelter space in Ur place of residence to share?
    If so, #AskGod to #HELLPPP U find 1 homeless person, to share with that day,
    what #God has given U to share? Use Godly wisdom + discretion in how U approach, plus
    ask the homeless one, what they need that day, and make provision to give it to them?

    For example, most "panhandling" homeless ones, will ask U for money.
    "Hey, got any spare change for me?" - Yet, money may only send them
    deeper into their addiction, or even "temporary comfort" with their homeless state.

    Instead, offer to take them to a #TimHorton's for a coffee + sandwich!
    Or if they truly need clothes, offer to bring them some of the items they say they need.

    Or if U have extra, safe space where U live, offer to put them up for 1 night.

    When the writer was living just SW of New York City, he found a homeless man
    living in his garage. He discussed it with his wife, and two young daughters, and
    they agreed to make him a bed space in our house - in the basement.

    We locked the door between the basement and house at night, and invited him up
    to eat breakfast with us. During the day there were AA meetings in an outreach
    church nearby, where he could hang out warm, with 5 meetings per day
    with food and coffee, and where he could help out in cleaning up.

    After 2 weeks he moved on of his own volition, and it had blessed us to know,
    just how fortunate we were to have a house and food to share!

Sooo … U’ve got a choice to make - today!

U can expect others to do Ur work for U, by paying ever more taxes to government agencies,
or adopt #kids in far off Africa (which is also a good thing to do), or U can improve
the world, and begin with Ur #selfie, and AdoptAHomelessOne, #AAHO, in Ur neighbourhood!

#AskGod to bring U 1 Homeless One to #HELLPPP to adopt? 
And improve the life of 1 soul in Ur neighborhood with Ur care + help one day at a time!
Continue to avoid the homeless ones in Ur neighbourhood!

Or #AskGod to #HELLPPP U to #Adopt A Homeless One (#AAHO), 
who truly needs Ur love + sharing!

God will bless U! - It's #GbG = Guaranteed by God

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kids in Canada Love Ur Friends in Mexico and USA

Kids in Canada: Love Ur Friends in Mexico and USA!

Are U a Canadian kid with a cool Dad + Mom
who truly loves U and wants the best for U?
Then it may be time to share that love
with Ur friends in Mexico and the United States of America!

Don't have any friends in Mexico or the United States of America?
Easy solution - Get some via Ur Instagram, Twitter or other sites okayed by Ur parents

Start telling Ur existing or new found friends
about the things U enjoy doing in Canada

Things like playing video games 
Forza Horizon 3, Super Mario Maker or Pokemon SUN video games
Or Arena and Field Games
Vancouver Canucks, Montreal Canadiens,  Calgary Flames, Winnipeg Jets 
Toronto Leafs or Edmonton Oilers hockey
Blue Jays baseball or Raptors basketball 
Ask Ur Mexican and USA friends
what video + arena games they mostly play?
And who their favourite teams are?

Tell Ur Dad, Mom and Canadian friends
about Ur new Mexican and USA friends 
And what their activities + interests are
This way U are not only expanding 
Ur Friends for Life Network
But also becoming 
a Canadian Ambassador of Goodwill for Canada!

Talk it over with Ur Dad, Mom + close friends!
U can start an Adopt A Friend Club for 
Ur Area with Ur Canadian friends

Give Ur AAFClub a catchy name and mascot
Such as the Vancouver Victors AAFClub or
Halifax Heroes AAFClub or
Montreal Mes Amis AAFClub

Only Ur creativity + catchiness limits U
#AskGod for favour with Ur Dad, Mom + Canadian friends
As well as Ur newfound 
Mexican and American friends!

Then watch Ur Adopt A Friend Club grow!
And do great things for 
Canada + Mexico + USA + Ur friends and U 
#Ourplace prays for U + Urs!