Loneliness – How to STOP suffering loneliness teenagers?
There is a WHO and a HOW to STOP Suffering Ur Loneliness!
One of the deadliest silent diseases especially in teenagers or young adult suffering in their busy social life! With its academic and social media pressures!
VIEW this short video on How to STOP Suffering Loneliness!
Come Join Youth of Ourplace in Living Ur Dream Life
U can do so by joining us in sharing Ur Dream Life experiences with God! Plus sharing with Ur family and friends in Ur favourite social media!
That God helps Loneliness – How to STOP suffering! Plus God helps U who ask for help in every other way of Ur life
To live without stress daily!
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Loneliness – How to STOP suffering loneliness -Especially teenagers! Is that what U need right now?
Because, there is a Way to STOP suffering Ur loneliness. And loneliness is one of the deadliest silent diseases! Especially if Ur a teenager or young adult suffering in Ur busy social life! With all its academic, financial and social media pressures!
Interested? Read on! And get help in Ur Loneliness How to STOP Suffering!
It’s going to take Ur faith + prayers + belief + practice READY?
Firstly Ur FAITH in God
That’s right it’s going to take FAITH in God to get rid of Ur loneliness!
U need to Ask God, as U understand God, to give U FAITH?
FAITH that God desires to and will remove Ur feelings of loneliness How to stop suffering! And replace them with a sense of always being in God’s PRESENCE and his very ready HELP to get U through any situation U face!
Specifically, U need to ask God to help U believe in Jesus Christ!
Here’s why? God uses Jesus Christ to take away all the consequences of Ur sins and Ur diseases, including loneliness! Because God forgives U in Jesus Christ … Therefore accept God’s gracious gift of Jesus Christ’s payment for Ur sins and diseases!
Jesus pointing us up to God our Protector
Secondly Ur PRAYERS to God
Don’t worry about how all this works or how God does it! Just PRAY to God! Ask God to help U believe in and accept Jesus Christ, as Ur Saviour and Lord? God’s grace will do the rest and continue to teach U how to practice it daily in Ur life!
God and U, via Christ, will work out Ur FAITH in Christ! Because Ur daily prayers are heard and answered by God! He’ll help U continue to improve Ur health! Plus he’ll help U to stop feeling alone in Ur life!
young man looking for God’s help in life
Thirdly BELIEVE in God via Jesus Christ
Because God, via Jesus Christ who’s spirit comes to dwell within U, will daily help U to continue to grow in Ur BELIEF in Jesus Christ! U’ll continue to experience more of God’s blessings via Christ in Ur own life!
God even Guarantees his Promises in Christ, by also giving U graciously God’s Holy Spirit to dwell within U. God’s Holy Spirit will teach U all things in living God’s superabundant life in every area of Ur life! Especially, Ur loneliness How to stop suffering loneliness!
Christ in U Baptises U with God’s Holy Spirit
God via Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit in U will continually help U to practice and grow in Ur FAITH in God! Because God desires U to be his ambassador to those around U within Ur family and friends!
As they, who have known U best, see Ur life becoming more joyful, peaceful, and protected, with Ur loneliness disease being fully gone; they’ll want to know Ur secret!
U can then share Ur personal experiences, by Ur faith + belief in God, via Jesus Christ. Sharing Ur personal experiences plus the positive changes in U, which they can see for themselves, will help them to try their faith in Jesus Christ to also reap the same blessings in their lives!
U can then practice Ur common FAITH + BELIEF in God via Jesus Christ in Ur daily lives together. Plus praying for each other and freely sharing Ur God given resources of time + talent + treasure as each has need!
Fifthly IMPROVE the world – Begin with Ur SELF
By beginning to let God improve U first, U’ll start to experience how God can use U to IMPROVE Ur family, friends, neighbours and Ur world !
U’ll start to use God’s gracious, unlimited resources in the universe to help U live a joyful and blessed life! As well as help Ur family and friends
We at Ourplace are continually learning how God blesses his Believers in God, via Jesus Christ! To live our Dream Life today! We’re praying for U + Urs to join us in God’s benefits!
Joyful teenagers with their parents
So Lastly – Come Join Us in Living Ur Dream Life
U can do so by joining us in sharing Ur Dream Life experiences with God! Plus sharing in Ur comments below how U feel after reading this blog! Furthermore U can share this blog by clicking on the Share Button below and using Ur favourite social media to let others know!
That God helps Loneliness – How to STOP suffering! Plus God helps U who ask for help in every other way of Ur life – To live without stress daily!
1st. Step is Ur NEW ATTITUDE Ur New Attitude requires that U start to BELIEVE that God desires to give U a REAL DREAM LIFE!
2nd. Step is ASK?Ask God, in the name of Jesus, to START to GIVE U OPPORTUNITY to LIVE Ur DREAMS today?
3rd. Step is ACTION - This requires a diligent attitude + faith to HEAR + OBEY God, as he leads U every day in living Ur DREAM LIFE
These are the 3 Steps to Live Ur DREAMS with a NEW ATTITUDE + ASK + ACTION! while God provides U his power - START TODAY
hendrickus of Ourplace in Canada
We at #Ourplace in #Toronto #Canada are praying for U. We expect to also see U Live Ur #UGame Dream Life – God’s Way!
Living Ur #UGame Dream Life
Therefore let us know how U are doing via Comments in this post. Or email us at hendrickus@gmail.com To ask our help in specific areas of the new U Living Ur DREAMS! SHARE this post with family and friends, and bless them in joining U in Living Ur DREAM LIFE!
Remember, God’s PEACE + POWER + PROSPERITY is Urs!
Dream Life HELP available for Young Dreamers! Short video by Ourplace in Canada, gives young people a PROVEN WAY to fulfill their HOPES and DREAMS for their LIFE. Take a look and Try it! Learn Morehttps://hendrickus7.com/dream-life-help/