The Tragedy of Just-In Trudeau
#GodSaid to
me Attend Just-In Trudeau’s Liberal-Charade at the PowerAde Coliseum! I did along with 5,000 others God have mercy on Just-In Trudeau, his beautiful wife Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, his lovely children and all those he is fooling with his #PowerlessPromises He showed up 1½ hours late for his own party
Freedom of Speech + #Freedom of one’s Beliefs + Freedom of one’s Actions is a God-given Right in God’s O Canada!
One of the most blessed nations on earth today! If you do not believe that move to Syria!
However, neither God, nor discerning voters and taxpayers are fooled by a #FreedomLiar
That, according to God’s Requirements of Loving your Neighbours + Respecting your Leaders is what little just-in trudeau is!
A #FeedomLiar
He is a tragedy in the making! Fortunately, his tragedy, like Macbeth’s, is played out in the public political arena! This sincere, but foolish young man is playing out his
Watch Me Papa-Pierre Final Act!
A #FeedomLiar
He is a tragedy in the making! Fortunately, his tragedy, like Macbeth’s, is played out in the public political arena! This sincere, but foolish young man is playing out his
Watch Me Papa-Pierre Final Act!

Fortunately, God is also merciful and so should the discerning voters and taxpayers of God’s O Canada be … Very Merciful! To this #FreedomFool + #FreedomLiar
Sooo … If you Love God + Desire to Obey God + Desire God to continue to Prosper You and Yours + God’s O Canada + Desire to Vote October 19th
What should you Discerning Canadian Voter DO?
#AskGod to Give You His Suggestions On
1 The Best Person in Your Riding to Support + Vote For! Not the party! Nor the party leader! Vote for the most capable person to deliver the needs of your riding
What should you Discerning Canadian Voter DO?
#AskGod to Give You His Suggestions On
1 The Best Person in Your Riding to Support + Vote For! Not the party! Nor the party leader! Vote for the most capable person to deliver the needs of your riding
2 Daily Praying for God’s O Canada + Yourself + Yours + Your Neighbours
3 God to give you the Courage + Conviction + Cash to #LiveFree in God’s O Canada
3 God to give you the Courage + Conviction + Cash to #LiveFree in God’s O Canada
Remember, O Believing + Discerning + Taxpaying #Canadians You sing it so proudly every time Canada wins at anything! In your Canadian National Anthem!
God Keep Our Land Glorious + Free!
God Keep Our Land Glorious + Free!
God is doing that, using his Discerning + Obedient Canadian Children of all ages!
However, as necessary, God also uses the Rebels (against God) + Mixers (more my way)
God keep our land of Canada Worthy + Free from the world’s idiots + little gods!

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Discerning + Merciful Canadian Voters & Taxpayers,
ReplyDeleteThough this #GNN Word of the Lord God Almighty
about just-in trudeau may seem hard +
uncalled for by God's #ProphetHendrickus ...
He believes to be commanded of God to publish it!
God desires that all his children,
the obedient + disobedient SEEK GOD only +
#AskGod for his opinion on historic people + events!
Plus, though God is merciful to all!
His mercy ends when God discerns that
a #FreedomFool + #FreedomLiar is leading his people astray
from God's Way into chaos + confusion!
Note God's dealing presently with his #NSUSA Political "Leaders"!
And the utter chaos in the Republican Party and Congress!
Thus, SEEK GOD O Canada!
Regardless of your sex, sexual mis-inclination,
age, culture, status or beliefs!
God will reveal himself to you +
Let you discern his will for his people + his #Canada!