Do You Follow
Spiritual Squawkers or Spiritual Sweethearts?
On my morning walks I always look to see what new thing God is doing
For God promises that he has new #mercy + new #grace every day!
So, I look for God’s mercy
+ grace
in all that I experience that day
You as spiritually seeking youth
also want to see God at work in your life!
So let me share my pleasant surprise when God showed me
some spiritual squawkers busy
attracting others to their scraps
God used a flock of seagulls that’s right seagulls!
They were fighting and squawking over scraps
Most circled overhead - Others pecked away
greedily gobbling up the scraps
greedily gobbling up the scraps
God said to me these seagulls are like people
who tell you to follow them
who tell you to follow them
to survive successfully today their way
and freely give them your time + talent + treasure
But ask them for some of their money for your needs
and see if they also freely give to you?
Not spiritual squawkers - It is me first!
So #AskGod to put Spiritual Sweethearts in your life
#GodSays my spiritual sweethearts are like doves
My believing children who truly freely give of my blessings
My daily blessings they spiritually use in their own lives
Making them part of their whole being!
Spirit + Soul + Body

Than they can freely give to you + yours to help you
Survive my way with my grace power

Than they can freely give to you + yours to help you
Survive my way with my grace power
at work in your peaceful, joyful and contented lives!
When you sincerely ask my Spiritual Sweethearts for my help
They freely give of their time + talent + treasure
Yes even their love and money!
Because they graciously believe + receive + accept
that even the breath in their bodies comes from me!
And that my gracious supply is unlimited!
Ever flowing into those who freely let my blessings flow
to those I desire them to share with in my superabundant economy!
So spiritually seeking youth
Let God also help you recognize
the spiritual squawkers from the spiritual sweethearts in your lives!
And commune + communicate + community
with God’s spiritual sweethearts every day!
God’s Best Is Yet To Come!
Praise God! He is blessing many Ourplace deals with daily.In the Richmond Hill + Toronto area.As well as in Canada and the USA we meet with regularly to help each other through God's bountiful blessings.#Ph